Reptiles - The following information is checked and confirmed by
reliable sources.
Did you know?
1. Adwaita,
meaning “one and only” in Sanskrit, was the name of a tortoise who was at the
time, considered to be the longest-living tortoise in the world. His age estimated
to be around 255 years (1750 – 2006).
2. If you
find yourself being chased by a crocodile, run in zigzag, the crocos aren't
good at making sharp turns. And if Mr Ali G is still getting closer to grab you, try
jumping behind it, as his secret weak point lies in the inability of walking backwards.
3. Tuataras
are fascinating reptiles. There are
many facts that are worth writing about. Firstly, they
are able to hear sounds, although no external ear is present. Secondly, they are the only
surviving members of Rhynchocephalia order, which flourished around 200 million
years ago. Thirdly, it is said that tuatara’s metabolism is so slow that it only has to
breathe once an hour. Lastly and most importantly, they have a photoreceptive “3rd
eye” on top of their heads when they are born, after four to six months it
becomes covered with scales and pigment and isn’t visible. The third eye’s
function is currently unknown.
4. Basilisk lizards are sometimes called Jesus Christ lizards because of their ability to run on water.
5. Chameleons, also one of the most fascinating members of the Ali G (Alligator) community,
an extremely fast speed of hitting their prey with their tongue, actually
faster than a human eye can capture the scene. It hits the target in about 0.05
seconds! In fact, the death is so instant that poor fellas don’t even have the “I
just saw my whole life flash before my eyes” moment.
Doctor asks
a patient during a surgery: could you stop that thing from beating?
What starts
with a T, ends with a T, and has "T" in it?
Answer to previous riddle: A hole.
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